Equipment Free Strength Series: Core
Our final part to the equipment free strength series is dedicated to the core!
The core is one of the most important areas to train for improving stability, preventing injury, and increasing agility for everyday life. When we talk about the core, it is more than just about the abs. It encompasses the entire truck. This includes the back, glutes, hips, and sides. Which is why this core circuit will challenge the entire core. And the best part? It doesn’t require any equipment!
For the circuit below, do each exercise for :30 seconds, with10 seconds rest in between.
Core Circuit:
Supine bent knee alt toe taps
Russian twists
Reverse crunch
Side plank hip dips – right side
Tall plank alternating toe taps
Side plank hip dips – left side
Hollow body hold
Rest, then repeat the entire circuit 2 – 3 times!
Exercise Guide:
Supine bent knee alt toe taps: Start on your back with your hands by your sides. Lift your knees up so they’re stacked above the hips and bent at 90 degrees. Brace your core and lower your right foot to the floor while keeping your left leg still. Raise your right leg back to the starting position. then switch and repeat on the leg side. Continue alternating, keeping the back down towards the mat and core braced as you tap.
Russian twists: Sit tall with knees bent and heels on the floor. Bring your hands to your chest and lean back, making sure to keep your back flat and core engaged. With control, rotate the torso from right to left.
Superman: Lie face down with your arms extended over the head and legs straight. Lift your arms, chest, and legs off the floor by engaging the back and squeezing your glutes. Make sure to keep your gaze down towards the mat so that you don’t strain your neck. Lower back towards the floor with control.
Reverse crunch: Lie face up on your mat with knees bent at 90 degrees and stacked above your hips. Keep your arms by your sides. Brace your core and lift your knees up and in towards your chest so that your hips and lower back lift off the mat. Lower back to 90 degrees. This movement should be done slowly and with control.
Side plank hip dips: This move is done will holding a side plank position: with elbow underneath shoulder and both legs extended, or alternatively with bottom knee bent. From the side plank position, lift and lower the hips down towards the floor without touching down, then back up to neutral. Make sure to keep your hips stacked on top of each other the entire time.
Tall plank alternating toe taps: Start on your mat and place hands under the shoulders. Tighten the core and lift to your toes. Make sure to keep a straight line from your head to your heels as you tap your right foot out to the right, then bring it back to center. Switch sides and tap the left foot to the left. Continue alternating the toe taps. For a modification, try a plank on your knees.
Hollow body hold: Lie face up on the floor with legs straight and arms by your sides. Brace your abs and raise both legs straight and together to 45 degrees. Then, lift the head, neck, and shoulders up with arms reaching by your sides. In this position, your body creates almost a banana shape! As you hold the position, make sure to keep your chin tucked towards chest, abs braced and low back towards the floor.